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02-15-12 Finance/Admin Committee
George Ferguson, Chair
Kathy Fetchick, Vice Chair
Dan Amaral
Mitch Bolinsky
Mary Ann Jacob
Dan Wiedemann

Legislative Council Finance and Administration Committee
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of February 15, 2012
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Lane, Newtown, CT

Committee Members Present:      Dan Wiedemann, Mary Ann Jacob, Kathy Fetchick, George Ferguson, Mitch Bolinsky, Dan Amaral, and Jeff Capeci, ex officio
Others Present: John Voket, Associate Editor, Newtown Bee

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m.

Public Participation
There were no members of the public present

Review and Approval of Minutes

Mr. Wiedemann moved to approve the minutes of February 1, 2012.  Mr. Bolinsky  seconded.  Typos were noted in the spelling of Ms. Fetchick and Mr. Bolinsky’s names.  Ms. Fetchick clarified for the Committee that her motion was to recommend to the Legislative Council the appointment of the Auditor, not to appoint the Auditor.  To save meeting time and seek clarity it was decided to postpone a vote on the motion until the next meeting.

Discussion and Action:

Capital Improvement Plan (2013-18) for the Town of Newtown. Review and make a recommendation to the Council.

The Committee discussed the Capital Improvement Plan of the Town of Newtown for the years 2012-13 through 2017-18 inclusive.  The Chair suggested the primary focus should be on those projects that were to be considered in 2012-13 and 2012-14 as these would occur during the present Council’s purview.

Kathy Fetchick addressed the Hook and Ladder building project noting the importance of the project and indicating that it did not appear that Hook and Ladder was ready to proceed.  Ms. Fetchick cited the Board of Finance minutes noting that an appropriation was not made.  Ms. Fetchick indicated that she felt it should still be held as a placeholder.

Ms. Fetchik also noted that if the Board of Education accepts the recent report of Ad Hoc Education Facilities Committee, then the Board of Education may desire to make modifications to 2013-14 CIP.  She further stated that enrollment will be a key driver going forward.

Ms. Jacob indicated that while that the Hook and Ladder project was “question mark” at this time she fully supported keeping the project in the CIP.   

Mr. Wiedemann asked for some information of the Sandy Hook Streetscape project and discussion of this project ensued.  Mr. Capeci indicated that a funding resolution had been made and approved for the full $1,000,000.  Actual borrowing of the funds would occur each year.  There was some discussion as to whether the Town had the flexibility to postpone such expenditures if it were faced with serious economic hardship.  There was a divergence of opinion on the matter.

A majority of the Committee members present expressed concerns about the magnitude of anticipated borrowing reflected in the CIP in future years, especially in light of our commitment to reduce our debt as a percentage of the budget over time.  Mr. Wiedemann questioned whether the economic climate would be right to borrow for the purchase of open space in the second year.  Mr. Ferguson suggested that we invite the Conservation Commission in to visit the Council during the year to discuss this project.

Mr. Wiedemann made the general comment that as part of the recent Rating Agency Review, that resulted in an AA1 rating from Moody’s, and an AA+ from Standard and Poor’s, that we indicated our intention to reduce our debt by 10% over the next ten years.

Ms. Jacob suggested, to general agreement, that we recommend to Bob Tait that a set of footnotes be included as part of the summary pages in the beginning of the future CIP’s so that items that are referenced as “other” can be more fully explained and understood.  
Ms. Fetchick moved to recommend to the Legislative Council the approval of the Capital Improvement Plan for the years 2012-13 to 2016-17 as presented by the Board of Finance. Seconded by Ms. Jacob.  All in favor with the exception of Dan Amaral who abstained declaring a possible conflict.

During the discussion of the above motion it was noted that the Capital Improvement Plan is a long-range planning tool of the Town of Newtown and it does not bind the Town in any way.  It has however been cited by the rating agencies as a sound planning and management practice.
Board of Finance Request for Policy input on the implementation Unexpended Education Funds Account provision of the Connecticut General Statute which reads as follows:

CGS Sec. 10-248a. Unexpended education funds account. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, and each fiscal year thereafter, notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any special act, municipal charter, home rule ordinance or other ordinance, the board of finance in each town having a board of finance, the board of selectman in each town having no board of finance or the authority making appropriations for the school district for each town may deposit into a nonlapsing account any unexpended funds from the prior fiscal year from the budgeted appropriation for education for the town, provided such amount does not exceed one per cent of the total budgeted appropriation for education for such prior fiscal to contact CCM and or OLR to see if other communities had implemented policy around this legislation and to see what we could learn in this way.

Future Meeting Dates

The Chair indicated he would poll the Committee to set the next meeting date.

New Business
No new business


Ms. Jacob moved to adjourn.  Kathy Fetchick seconded.  Vote unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.